What a fantastic start to this Episode! A great Red from Portugal's Alentejano region. this wine was sent across by Joao, Miguel and Andre after John and reviewed some other wines from…
In this Episode, the first we have recorded in 2016, we taste two wines sent in from viewers and two wines from Romania and what a great selection of wines…
John starts us off tasting with what he considers to be the lighter choice from this Episodes three Argentinean Red Wines. Cabernet Sauvignon is not known as Argentinean's signature grape…
Finally to complete the trio of Cabernet Sauvignons we are tasting in our search for the best wines to suit your palate we compare a Australian Cabernet Sauvignon to the…
In this episode we continue our quest to discover the wine that best suits your taste. We begin to delve a little further into the differences that can be experienced…
In this episode we begin to help you discover which red wine suits your taste best. John kicks off with three common grapes - Shiraz, Merlot and Canernet Sauvignon http://youtu.be/I2a-CSkq5ms