New Zealand

Tasting a Mud House Sauvignon Blanc (Episode 93 Part 3)

In the last part of this episode, we taste another Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand this time from Mud House winery. This wine is available from Asda and although the…
New Zealand

A New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc from Sainsburys (Episode 93 Part 2)

In part 2 of this episode, we taste another Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand, this time purchased from Sainsburys at the competitive price of just £7.00. The wine is from…
New Zealand

Tasting a M&S Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand (Episode 93 Part 1)

In the first part of this episode where we taste Sauvignon Blancs from New Zealand, we taste Silver Frond from Marks and Spencer. The wine is very reasonably priced at…
New Zealand

New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc (Episode 93 Introduction)

Having tried French and Chilean Sauvignon Blancs we now give New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs a go! New Zealand is renowned for the high-quality Sauvignon Blancs so we quickly introduce the…

Tasting a Sauvignon from the Dordogne (Episode 92 Part 3)

In the final part of this episode, we taste a Sauvignon Blanc produced in the Dordogne region of France. This wine was purchased from Waitrose and is the most expensive…

Tasting Sauvignon Blanc from the Loire (Episode 92 Part 2)

We taste a great Sauvignon Blanc from the Loire Valley. This wine is part of Sainsburys Taste the Difference Range and is produced by A great little wine competitively priced.  …

Tasting Sauvignon Blanc from Bordeaux (Episode 92 Part 1)

We taste a great Sauvignon Blanc from France's Bordeaux region - how will it compare with Sauvignons from other countries and indeed other wine producing areas of France. This particular…
French Wine

Tasting French Sauvignon Blanc Wines Introduction (Episode 92 Introduction)

We introduce this episode where we taste a selection of French Sauvignon Blancs from the Bordeaux, Dordogne and the Loire Valley wine producing areas.   Remember to subscribe to…

Tasting a Aldi Sauvignon Blanc from Chile (Episode 91 Part 3)

In the last part of this episode, we taste a great value for money Sauvignon from Chile. This wine is available from Aldi at the great price of £5.49!…

Tasting a Casillero del Diablo Sauvignon Balnc from Chile (Episode 91 Part 2 )

In part 2 of this episode, we taste a Casillero del Diablo Sauvignon Blanc from Chile. This wine was purchased from Waitrose for £8.39, although it can be obtained from…